Thought leadership

Risk management software: A people-centric and data-led approach

30 March 2023
5 minutes read

With Google seeing a 67% increase in the search term ‘What is Risk’ in the past ten years, it’s clear that there’s an increase in the number of people and companies that are having to think about risk and the potential threats that come with it.

Keeping track of risks that organisations may face and have to deal with can be a complicated and time-consuming task, but digital solutions hold the key to helping companies operate in a compliant manner. Risk Manager provides a platform for organisations to protect themselves from unnecessary risk by managing estates, operations and compliance all in one easy-to-use platform.


Moving on from outdated risk management methods

In some instances, organisations are still relying on outdated practices to manage their assets, compliance and health and safety, such as tracking information manually on spreadsheets. However, these are not live documents, often housed on an independent computer and present high risk of information being missed or miscommunicated.

Moving to a versatile digital system ensures that access to all the data and information is provided to the appropriate users in one central place. It also provides a full audit trail too, which protects the organisation and is much easier to track than alternative methods, compiling data stamps and storing all communications that could otherwise get lost through manual processes.

Our software creates a more sophisticated approach to risk management while being more accessible for users. There’s no sign of long-winded spreadsheets, which can be time consuming. Instead, our software has been designed to be as user-friendly and accessible as possible – and our client support service reflects this too. The same steps are followed each time by every user, ensuring there’s a reliable output, which is a lot harder to achieve through manual methods.

The simplicity follows into reporting processes. All information, such as what maintenance and compliance checks have been completed, can easily be exported at a click of a button, and sent to stakeholders from directly within the application.



Streamlining processes through centralisation and automation

Our risk management software provides multiple systems in a central location, allowing organisations to operate in a more efficient and succinct way.

The Policy Management module allows users to find and access all policy documents in one place. When users log on, the software dashboard presents them with an instant visual representation of what is still under policy and what needs renewing and what is compliant and what isn’t, through a red, amber or green (RAG) colour code. Responsibilities of each member of staff are also labelled clearly with using the enhanced data view.

Combining this with automation, when a task is required from a particular member of staff, they can be assigned to the policy, which pushes a notification to them directly and on their dashboard. Equally, when a policy needs renewing, the assigned member of staff will get a notification to remind them to renew, making it a stress-free process that doesn’t rely on the memory or notes of a staff member.

In total, Risk Manager incorporates ten key modules. Whether users utilise the Asset Register to upload, track and review every asset, or the Accident and Incidents module to track accidents from start to finish in a ‘digital logbook’, all of the modules are on hand to protect assets and keep the company’s estates safe and compliant.


Onboarding processes drive maximisation of systems

Digital tools exist to make users’ daily lives easier – but this must include the onboarding process for new users. If not handled smoothly and easily for users, it can lead to users not being able to maximise the system for their individual needs. Our onboarding for Risk Manager is part of the process we take great pride in getting right and are very proud that our clients like Furness Education gain value from.

There are two things to consider: data and people.

The first consideration is how an organisation is currently managing their processes. If the information is being transferred from another software system, a quicker onboarding process can be provided. However, if it is coming from manual practices like spreadsheets then a staggered approach works best to ensure everything has uploaded correctly.

With multiple modules, this staggered approach to onboarding may also be suited to those who are unable to dedicate enough time upfront, allowing them to look at one module at a time in manageable chunks. The information can also be broken down geographically too if this is more suitable for clients with assets in various locations.

Along with providing a dedicated member of our team, we identify a key point of contact on the client side to build a strong relationship, ensure that there’s consistency throughout the onboarding process, system training and into ongoing support.

Getting this right means our clients can hit the ground running.


Scalability-related risk

Some of the biggest risks come when a company is expanding. Risk Manager is there to make the process streamlined and simpler, allowing clients to easily add another asset – such as a new building or site location – without having to duplicate outdated spreadsheets or create new ones.

For example, educational institutions can centralise the risk associated with their overall facilities, risks, health and safety checks, but can also break this down further for each individual school, building or room. This approach means scaling is easy – with centralised policies and tasks already housed in the system, and the functionality to add new assets and make amendments based on individual requirements.

Risk Manager is designed to make our clients’ lives as easy as possible, taking out the complexities of risk management and making the processes as streamlined and as straightforward as we can.

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