Are you looking for an easier way to manage your central and site-specific risk registers effectively?
In our Mastering your Multi Academy Trust’s Risk Registers webinar, Will Toplass, our Customer Success Manager, and Ruth Sheridan, CFO at The Chelmsford Learning Partnership, discussed how the Risk Register module within Risk Manager can help reduce paperwork, time and stress, which is essential when managing multiple sites.
During the webinar, a number of insightful points were raised relating to the considerations trusts must make to ensure compliant management of risk registers.
Highlights from the discussion:
Easy-to-use system
One of the most important things is deploying a system that is simple to use. When speaking about the smooth onboarding process for headteachers to our risk register, Ruth said: “When we initially got the system, I went out and I spent an hour with each of the headteachers in getting it set up and that’s all I’ve had to spend with them.”
Having a system with automation in place that allows staff to do their job without needing an extra push for deadlines and report reviews is vital when managing multiple sites. It is a priority for your staff and employees to feel comfortable with the software and understand the value of an effective risk register – and our own onboarding really places focus on these areas.
Adaptable and bespoke register
Not all trusts are the same, and so it’s essential that your management software enables you to adapt the content to what best fits your staff and employees – and the way they operate.
Ruth mentioned the positive feedback she has received from headteachers in terms of reviewing and managing the register, saying: “It is so refreshing to be able to go in and review my risks, add risks, and take risks off. It is so quick and easy; it has saved me hours of time. I think that speaks volumes.”
Our software allows trusts to identify, evaluate and monitor the biggest risks to their organisation through easy to navigate management software that ensures nothing gets missed and risks are reduced.
For more insights like this, our team at Risk Manager will be launching a webinar series that delves deeper into each module within our system, the current struggles faced by the sector and how our software can help. Each webinar with have an expert guest speaker from the industry to provide further insight from their own experiences of the software.
Dates and further information on this will be released soon – register to our newsletter to make sure you’re the first to hear about this.
You can also download our free Good Estates Management checklist for schools and Multi Academy Trusts, which you can follow to ensure your buildings are safe and compliant, in line with the Government’s Good Estates Management guidance.
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